Monday, April 28, 2014

The Americas

I chose to write this blog on the Victorian period. Ever since I was young, it has always been one of my favorite times in history. Growing up around here, I can say I have probably been to the local David Davis mansion of at least a total of 7 times. The house I grew up in in my hometown, was a old Victorian style home. It all intrigues me so much. I also chose to do the day in the life presentation on this as well.  The Victorian time was named after Britain's Queen Victoria. Americans replicated the ways of their mother country, in the way the decorated their houses, the way they acted, and even dressed.

To start off, the typical Victorian house included a front of the house and back of the house. The back was more for the maids, where their rooms were and the kitchen where they worked. The front of the house was for the family for private living as well as entertaining. The men had a room where they would entertain in and smoke cigars while there was a more feminine room for the women to hang out in.

Some of the characteristics of a Victorian home are decorated roof lines and slates, bay and sash windows, patterned brick, porches, and terraces. There were also no garages because at the time there were no cars. I love all the characteristics that are put in to the home. Today most homes are not built like this, they are much more simple. Another feature of the Victorian home would be barge boards. These were decorative wooden panels on the gable ends of homes or the triangular end section on a pitched roof.

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