Monday, April 28, 2014

The Americas Peer Review

I had the chance to see Dana's blog on the Americas. She mentioned that she liked the style of houses alot and showcased the Gonzales-Alvarez house as well as a Luoisiana plantation house. Both are very different, but from the same period in time. She also talks about how many different styles were introduced in this time, as she describes them; " The Early American/ Colional Period, Georgian Period, Post Colonial or Federal Period, Greek Revival Period, and Victorian Period." 

I also looked at Lindsey's post for this section. She chose to talk about the Dutch style home, with it's steep roofs, and doors with top and bottoms. They can be found in the Hudson River Valley. She also talked about the French style homes which were one of my favorite designs of the chapter. They were raised to avoid flooding. She goes on to mention the Spanich style and German and Swedish style. I liked how she was able to mention a lot of styles, being able to compare one to another. 

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