Sunday, April 20, 2014

Peer Review for English Periods

I had the chance to review Ariana's blog. She brought up some interesting points on how England was the last to jump on the renaissance bandwagon since they were isolated from Europe. Most of their work during this time came from influence from other counties. However, they were the first to develop the Tudor style home. She gives an example of the most popular example, the Anne Hathaway house which I found very interesting. Every time I see a Tudor home today I will think of this house!

I also got to look at Dana's blog for this time period. She talked about it being interesting that the late English renaissance  was split up into three different periods. She also shows a picture of the Syon House which was designed by Adams himself who I wrote about in my blog. Her current day applications show relevant pictures of Hepplewhite inspired chairs. Chippendales sideboard is also referenced. She also hints that the sideboard was purposefully designed for a dining space for extra room to put the food, but now can be seen in any living space. This is very true and I never thought of that.

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