Monday, March 24, 2014

Peer Review for Spanish Renaissance

I first was able to read Melanie's blog post for this era. I think Melanie and I were on the same wavelength when we wrote our blogs because I noticed we had a lot of the same ideas. She talked about the plateresco and the desornamentado as well. She although, went on to talk about where they originated which was interesting. She also talked about the grille work. I like her pictures that she actually took herself in Madrid of the iron work over the windows and entrances. Good findings on the modern design with the iron work, nail heads, and leather. She is right, there is a lot of those features in our  modern design today as well. I

In addition, I was able to read Rachael's blog post on the Spanish Renaissance. I thought it was good that she clarified the Spanish Renaissance was just another branch of the renaissance. I know I had some confusion with this when reading in the textbook. It may seem like that is something to know, but for someone who is not familiar with this art history, it helps to clarify. She also brought up the cathedral of Seville which I did not pay much attention to earlier. I can see the Gothic inspired features in the ribbed ceiling. She also displayed  the monk's chair and showed a current model of the chair in outdoor patio furniture.

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