Monday, February 24, 2014

Gothic Peer Review

In reviewing John's blog, I like his talk of the gargoyle. He explains how they are a popular element of the Gothic architecture, however their purpose serves function over form. Yes, they are great for display but the gargoyles are meant to drain water from the building. Gargoyle stands for throat or gullet and was a spout that connected to a pathway to release the water. I found this very interesting. Chimera on the other hand, are waterless figures or statues used in the architecture to ward off evil spirits and protect the buildings like a guard. He also shows great current applications of the ribbed vaults.

I also got the chance to look at Megan S.'s blog. She talked about the black plague and how it took the lives of nearly 75 million people. What a dark time this must have been. She also goes on to talk about the architecture of the church and how the interior as well as the exterior changed. That is a good point to bring up, pointing out the flying buttresses on the outside and the pinnacles and nave roofs on the inside. She also included how the Gothic style in Spain had more wider and complex designs.

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