Monday, February 3, 2014

Egypt Peer Blog Review

In looking at the Egypt blog posts, I concentrated on the first two on the list, Ali and Ariana’s.  In Ali’s blog, the story of the two twins is very interesting. A tomb can be an art piece as well by its appearance and the story behind it. Any painting, sculpture, drawing etc, has meaning and a story behind it, just like a tomb. Tombs carry a lifetime inside them which is simply a piece of art. The fact that it had a painting of the twins to go along with it, make it even better. In addition, it is very exciting that such a ruler as King Tutankhamen can leave behind a piece of furniture for us to view today. Being able to have these items from so long ago, gives designers inspiration for today. In Ariana’s blog, I noticed that she and I had some of the same opinions when it comes to Egypt.  We both brought up the motifs and how nature was widely used. Natural woods were used to make a lot of the furniture and to relate that to her favorite cutting board was quite intuitive.

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