Sunday, November 9, 2014

Deconstruction/Green Design

Green design caught my attention very early on. When I was in high school, I was able to participate in a job shadowing experience. I was able to visit an architectural firm here in Bloomington, Normal called Farnsworth Group. I followed around an interior designer for the day and absolutely loved it. She took me to Heartland Bank in uptown Normal since their firm designed the whole building. The very top floor was still being completed so I got to see some of the construction process as well. The designer explained how green design was used for the building and I was immediately intrigued.

The Building is certified silver in LEED accreditation. Different amounts of points are rewarded based on green and efficient construction processes, materials, and many other criteria. Based on the number of points that are rewarded, the building will then be classified in to silver, gold, platinum, and bronze certification groupings. 
The Children's Museum in Uptown Normal is also an example of a LEED certified building in this town and is classified as gold. 

In Contemporary design, design has developed in to becoming high-tech. Based on technology, designs started including materials like steel, concrete, and glass. A group of five New York City architects, referred to as The New York five were known for a huge part of the post-modern movement in contemporary design, Peter Eisenman, Michael Graces, Charles Gwathrney, John Hejduk and Richard Meier were all part of this group. Out of these, Michael Graves is a very prominent figure having designed products for Target, healthcare accessories, and commercial and residential buildings. Below are some examples of his work. 

At this point in time with design, there is an increased speed of communication. The internet, magazines, and television are spreading design ideas. It is becoming more popular with the HGTV shows, and even on internet sites like Pinterest & Houz. Interior Design is now considered an important fad in pop culture and society. People love it. 

These pictures show some homes that are done in a contemporary post-modern style.

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