Sunday, November 9, 2014

Deconstruction/ Green Design Review

I first read Allison's blog and she focused on Frank Gehry. I liked the examples of his work that she showed. She made it a point to state that this movement was about creating pieces that we wouldn't normally see. I never thought about it that way. She said the main goal was t use materials in ways we wouldn't see them used and make shapes that we don't see everyday to make masterpieces out of buildings. This is a neat way to put it, in my opinion.

I also looked at Nicole's blog. Nicole talked about contemporary design being hi-tech and how the U of I depicted this. She mentioned a lot of designers including louis I. Kahn, Richard Buckminster Fuller, and the New York Five. Her current applications did a great job at showing the style as well as bringing in the hi-tech aspect of the seating with the i pads built in.

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