Sunday, September 7, 2014

Deutscher Werkbund

The Deutscher Werkbund movement originated in Germany. In German, it means German workshop. Founded in Munich, Germany. it was set in place to advance the quality of industrial design. The purpose twas to raise the standards of design in Germany's mass produced products and be more even with the British and United States of America. It was founded as a German government organization that was to bring designer and manufacturer together.

The glass pavilion was designed by Bruno Taut as the Werkbund exhibition.

The Deutscher Werkbund movement produced several different styles of chairs. Perhaps my favorite chair of the movement was the Kubus chair. It was square and angular and a fully upholstered lounge chair repeating the cube shape. Joseph Hoffman is the designer. It is pictured below. 

Below are some current applications of the movement. You can see the use of metal, organic art, natural materials, and curved furniture with geometric design. The colors are white and clean as well. 

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