Saturday, February 8, 2014

Peer Review on Greece

In reviewing the blogs for Greece, Chanel concentrated on the furniture aspect. When I think of classical Greece, the furniture is not what I immediately focus on. I usually think of the architecture which I wrote my bog on. The classical, grand buildings that still exist today are extraordinary. The fact that Chanel brought up the furniture, makes me think more about what was inside these buildings. I learned about the furniture being multipurpose, a bed would not only be for sleeping, but served as seating as well. In addition, she shows a chair that was considered a feminine chair because of its graceful look, originally made for women. I did not know certain pieces of furniture were once made for different sexes.  On the other hand, Dana brought up the impluviums. She said with all the green fuss going on today, this could be implemented in modern design somehow. I totally agree. Seeing as I want to become LEED certified, I could base a design off this idea in green home design in the future.

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